söndag 6 januari 2008

See me, look at me, feel me

Have you ever thought how easy you can throw everything you care about away? With one kiss, with wrong words or a lie can all you ever cared about just disappear.

Stop dreaming of a new you and things you never can get. Start living today and learn to love yourself, don't waste your time on meaningless thoughts and things.

I can hear your voice whisper nice words in my ear, it gives me those nice little goosebumps on my arms
I can see your lovely face with your adorable smile
When I feel your hands touching me, everything else just disappear
Let me stay here being just happy and full of love
But no no.. I wish my dreams will come true some day, aaand..
...I wish you could be mine.... just for one moment, I want to feel how it's like to be loved by you.

/Mindy (by me this time)

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hmm bra skrivet faktiskt :)

Axe sa...

Good shit!

Mindy sa...

Thx man